Printerd and published by Unie-Volkpers Beperk.
Red soft cover book in reasonalbe condition, back torned a little bit (photo)
Most beautiful iIllustrations in ink by Joyce Ordbrown
From records and historical works from many sources, principally those by JH Malan, Gustav Preller, Eric Stockenstrom, Eugene Marais, Genl Seeley (Lord Mottistone) and C.R. Swart
Children of the Great Trek
Pieter Retief
Petrus Bezuidenhout
The children of Gert Maritz
Marinus Oosthuizen
Dirk Uys
Helena Lotrie
Rachel de Beer
Japie Greyling
1 in stock
Printerd and published by Unie-Volkpers Beperk.
Red soft cover book in reasonalbe condition, back torned a little bit (photo)
Most beautiful iIllustrations in ink by Joyce Ordbrown