Uitgewer: Human & Rousseau
Datum: First publ 1981
Toestand: Hardeband met mooi stofomslag boek nog in puik toestand
Illustrasies: Joy Pritchard
Richard did not feel at all sleepy. There were far too many interesting things going on around him. Beyond the Umtamvuna, in Pondoland, the amaMpondo were warring amongs themselves. The Natal Mounted Police had come post haste all the way from Pietermaritzburg and had made their headquarters right here on his very own farm, and inspector Moore was staying with them in the house. What was more, that evening at supper they had heard shots ringing out through the quiet night.
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Uitgewer: Human & Rousseau
Datum: First publ 1981
Toestand: Hardeband met mooi stofomslag boek nog in puik toestand
Illustrasies: Joy Pritchard