Other writers and co-workers: Barton Gilbert and Richard H. Dobbs
Edward Arnold & Co.
Third edition 1952
Hard cover old book cellotape marks on first pages
Book has 890 pages
Scientific Principles
General Anatomy and psyhology
Special Anatomy
Special Pshychology and normal pregnancy
Normal Labour
Normal Puerperium
Management of normal pregnancy
Abnormal pregnancy
Disorders associated with pregnancy
Emergencies and accidents of labour
The abnormal Puerperium
The child
* The neo-natal perios
* Breast feeding
* Artificial feeding
* Irregularities of digestion
* Disorders of the Neo-Natal period
Obstetic Operations
Midwifery in the tropics
1 in stock
Other writers and co-workers: Barton Gilbert and Richard H. Dobbs
Edward Arnold & Co.
Third edition 1952
Hard cover old book cellotape marks on first pages
Book has 890 pages